Friday, March 21, 2008

Play Grounds & Sniper Landings.

Had a dope day yesterday dispite the average weather. Chris Blinkhorn and I went into Truckee and met up with Blair Findlay and RMB. Got packed in the back of a blue pick up and went out in search of some stuff to shoot. We wanted to re visit the Squaw Kink that I shot T-wat on 2 years ago.

Ended up not re shooting the kink, instead we opted to bonk some play ground stuff, and had a fun little session.

RMB scares the kids away with this nasty nose bonk pop out. Findlay gets the shot.

After exhausting our ideas in the playground, it was time for a dirty Sev Elev feed. The boys wrestled slimey dogs down followed by Red Coloured Crisps, and decided it was time to move on. Time to scope out a Cliffy that Blinks had spotted.

The Cliff ended up being about 30 foot, to a super sniper tranny, with a tonne of woo. Very Legit! Blinks stepped up and dropped it like no other. The Compression on the landing meant riding out was a mission, but just over 10 hits later, blinky rode out clean. got another hammer still in the bag. yayer.

Chris BlinkHorn hiking the cliff to sniper tranny.

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